The Gila Woodpecker – Penpal assignment

The Gila woodpecker is the animal I chose for my Pen-pals. I chose this animal because it is almost extinct in California. In Arizona it is recently taken out of endangered list, but it could get back on if Arizona decides to cut lots of trees for lots of paper or houses.

This is what I wrote on Pen-pals…

First website…

The website I found states, “The state of California listed the Gila woodpecker endangered in 1980.”…

Second website…

The next website I found states, “Human development and the spread of invasive species has decreased the riparian woodlands and the desert habitat.” The website also stated, “Human induced acts have also threatened the Gila Woodpecker such as cutting down trees.”… A way us as people can help is by cutting down less trees than we do every single day. We need to cut down less trees and plant more than we cut. If we do not do this the Gila woodpecker will someday become extinct.


I hope you enjoyed my last Pen-pal writing. I hope I wrote good. If you can please leave comments about how to make it better. I will consider what everybody says. I will also add it to my writing if I think it will make it better, thank you!

Image result for gila woodpecker california